Dealer FAQ

Selling at Midwest FurFest is restricted to individuals registered with the convention to sell in the Dealers Den, the Art Show, Artists Marketplace, and the Artists Alley.

Selling at Midwest FurFest

Can I sell things out of my room, or in the hallway?

No, sales at Midwest Furfest are restricted to persons registered with the convention to sell in the Dealers Den, the Artists Alley, the Art Show, or the Marketplace.

Are there any restrictions on what I can sell in the Dealers Den?

The sale of any items using real fur is discouraged. We do request that all merchandise be sf- fan- or furry-related. Sales of any unlicensed merchandise which is the intellectual property of another person or business entity is forbidden. Please see the Dealers Rules on the Dealer Information page for more information on this matter. We do have rules regarding the display of adult items; please see the dealer instruction page for details. Note also that we will have an “adults-only” room for dealers of explicitly adult merchandise.

How do I apply for tables?

To purchase tables in the Dealers Den, please click here. Be sure to read the Dealer Instructions before filing your application.

How much are tables, and what size are they?

Tables are 6 feet by 30 inches. Costs are as follows:

Single $180.00
Double $385.00
Triple $660.00
Quad $960.00
Booth $1300.00
Suite $1950.00

Note that these costs do not include any memberships. All dealers and helpers must have memberships.

Can I request a specific location for my table?

Specific locations cannot be requested. On the application there is a space where you can indicate any location requests such as a wall space, if you wish to be next to another dealer, or if you have any other specific requests. Note that while we will attempt to honor all requests, we do not guarantee that we will be able to do so.

Can dealers share a table?

Yes, we do permit dealers to share a table. Please see the Dealer Information page for various ways to inform us that you wish to do so.

​​​​Electrical Access in the Dealers Den

Why do I have to pay for power?

As the convention has grown in attendance, we’ve had to secure additional space, both to run convention events, and to ensure that our Dealers have the best location and spaces to showcase their items to our attendees. Common in almost every convention center across the United States, power and electrical use is charged for by the facility - this is similarly the case for Midwest FurFest with the Stephens Convention Center.

Electricity is not metered by use, however there is a flat fee for a connection, at a specific maximum wattage. The standard wattage connection for level 1 is 300W, level 2 is 600, level 3 is up to 1000, and we can review pricing with Dealers on a case-by-case basis, with custom pricing at level 4.

I need power at my table; how do I request it?

When you select to apply for a Dealers Table application, you will be asked if you require a standard 300W power connection - the price will be $110 for 300W for the weekend, $200 for level 2 up to 600W, and $295 for up to 1000W. If you require more than 1000W, there is an option on the sign-up to let us know and we will reach out with additional power and pricing options on a case-by-case basis, this year. Please reach out if you have questions about what your equipment may draw and we will try to help you estimate the draw of the equipment you would like to use. We may not be able to accommodate very high draw items such as heat guns.

What can I plug in at my table?

Level 1 (300W) is generally enough power for a cell phone charger, single laptop computer, portable (small) laminator, printer, or point-of-sale/payment processor device. Level 2 (600W) generally will run 2 laptops or 2 sets of lighting for your tables. Level 3 can be used for higher draw items such as a bag sealer or extensive lighting displays. Every power-consuming device sold in the United States is required to list their wattage draw on the device.

What happens if I use more than what I requested at my table, on a standard power drop?

Each power drop is connected to an electrical breaker, and draws exceeding the maximum will cause the breaker to trip (turn off). Midwest FurFest will be charged a penalty fee by the Convention Center, each time, in order to have power restored at the offending power-location.

​Application Approval, Waiting List, and Cancellations  

How do you decide which applications are approved?

All applications received during the first 48 hours receive equal consideration, with approval based on the merchandise description and, if deemed appropriate, a review of the dealer website if one is provided. We feel this is fairer than using a strictly first-come basis., and it also gives us a chance to ensure that we can provide our members with a variety of merchandise. It also allows us to continue our long-standing policy of having new dealers at every convention.

What happens if my application is not approved?

All non-approved applications received during the first 48 hours are placed on a waiting list. The same criteria used in selecting which applications are approved are used to determine their placement on the waiting list. Applications received after the first 48 hours are placed on the waiting list in the order they were received. If additional tables become available for any reason they will be offered to dealers in the order they are on the waiting list.

​What if I need to cancel my table?

If you find that you will not be able to make use of one or more of your dealer tables, please inform us as soon as possible. It is unfair to dealers who are on the waiting list to keep them waiting until it is too late for them to make reasonable travel arrangements. We will only grant refunds for table space if the cancellation is received in a timely fashion. Note that table space may not be transferred to another dealer without the prior approval of the Dealer's Den Manager. Full refunds for dealer tables are only guaranteed if requested before November 15, 2023. After that date, refunds are subject to our ability to resell the table.

​​​Sales Tax Information

Am I required to collect sales tax at Midwest FurFest?

Dealers are required by the State of Illinois to collect Illinois State Sales Tax. Midwest FurFest falls under the category of Special Events, and as such we are required to provide IDOR with a list of all our dealers. While we will not be collecting sales tax at MFF we will provide copies of IDOR-6-SETR, which is used for reporting and paying sales tax for those dealers who do not have an Illinois business license. Proof of an Illinois Business License is not required either with your application or at the convention, but if you have one we are requesting that you provide your IBT number on the application so that it can be included in our report.


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